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The entire group must fit inside a circle or square on the ground.
The Rules: Everyone must be touching the ground inside the circle or square in some way. The group must hold this position while singing one round of a popular song. Example: Row, Row, Row Your Boat, etc. During the song no one can touch the ground outside the circle or square. Restart the game if the anyone from the group breaks a rule.
What was difficult about this game?
How did you arrive at your solution?
Why is collaboration important in life?
Collaboration is working with each other to do a task and achieve shared goals. Today's problems are so complex that collaboration is important for survival. But this doesn't translate into practice for many of the reasons highlighted by this game.
What one principle did you learn through this game that your going to apply this week or during our next game or session (if using game to set up training session topic)?
For more games like this and more detailed description of this game download this free resource from the U.S. State of Iowa Department of Natural Resources
The entire group must fit inside a circle or square on the ground.
The Rules: Everyone must be touching the ground inside the circle or square in some way. The group must hold this position while singing one round of a popular song. Example: Row, Row, Row Your Boat, etc. During the song no one can touch the ground outside the circle or square. Restart the game if the anyone from the group breaks a rule.
What was difficult about this game?
How did you arrive at your solution?
Why is collaboration important in life?
Collaboration is working with each other to do a task and achieve shared goals. Today's problems are so complex that collaboration is important for survival. But this doesn't translate into practice for many of the reasons highlighted by this game.
What one principle did you learn through this game that your going to apply this week or during our next game or session (if using game to set up training session topic)?
For more games like this and more detailed description of this game download this free resource from the U.S. State of Iowa Department of Natural Resources
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